New CuMX custom menu code generator Mk2

UPload your existing menu
Change the order of the menu items by drag'n'drop on a link on the TOP menu bar.
In the case of a drop-down, drag one of its links (all will be moved)

Use this table to edit / create / remove menu items (*title means new window)

Ordinary (single) links
 PC    ☰      Title:                               url:
 PC    ☰      Title:                               url:                (... single link cont.)
Drop-down (multiple) links
 PC    ☰      Title:                             PC    ☰   Title:                              url          (... drop down links)
 PC    ☰      Title:                             PC    ☰   Title:                              url          (... drop down links)
 PC    ☰      Title:                             PC    ☰   Title:                              url          (... drop down links)

Page updated .

 An example extended/modified Menu configuration file for NEW CuMX template
 myMenu.js - typical name, you define the one used in setpagedata.js
 Last modified: NOT YET MODIFIED !
 Produced by beteljuice disconknobulator
 NB: If you wish to use CuMX config for forum and webcam urls, add properties
     forum:true and / or webcam:true
     If config defs are null NO link will be produced
   .menu             - can be 'b' (both menus), 'w' (wide menu ONLY), 'n' (narrow menu ONLY)
   .new_window:true  - forces the link to open in new browser window
   .forum:true       - use the link provided in CuMX config, if false or missing config entry, NO link
   .webcam:true      - use the link provided in CuMX config, if false or missing config entry, NO link

menuSrc = [
	{title: "Now",          menu: "b",    url: "index.htm"},
	{title: "Today",        menu: "b",    url: "today.htm"},
	{title: "Yesterday",    menu: "b",    url: "yesterday.htm"},
	{title: "Gauges",       menu: "b",    url: "gauges.htm"},
	{title: "Records",      menu: "b",    submenu: true,       items: [
		{title: "This Month",        menu: "b",    url: "thismonth.htm"},
		{title: "This Year",         menu: "b",    url: "thisyear.htm"},
		{title: "All Time",          menu: "b",    url: "record.htm"},
		{title: "Monthly",           menu: "b",    url: "monthlyrecord.htm"}
	{title: "Charts",    menu: "b",    submenu: true,    items: [
		{title: "Trends",            menu: "b",    url: "trends.htm"},
		{title: "Select-a-graph",    menu: "b",    url: "selectachart.htm"},
		{title: "Historic",          menu: "b",    url: "historic.htm"}
	{title: "Reports",   menu: "b",    url: "noaareport.htm"},
	{title: "Forum",     menu: "n",    url: "#",    new_window: true},
	{title: "Webcam",     menu: "n",    url: "#",    new_window: true},
	{title: "Other Links",    menu: "w",    submenu: true,    items: [
		{title: "Cumulus Forum",     menu: "w",    url: "#",    forum: true,   new_window: true},
		{title: "Webcam",            menu: "b",    url: "#",    webcam: true},
		{title: "My Cat",            menu: "b",    url: "mycatpage.htm"},
		{title: "Some Cat",          menu: "b",    url: "",    new_window: true}